Monday, 15 October 2012 |
There have been some more Aurora sightings this weekend and we've been sent lots of pictures from this event, and from several other recent events! Thanks go to Ethan Boser, Matt Melnyk, Jeff Wallace, Olivier Du Tré, Chris Botha, Rob Westhouse and David Barona
Last Updated ( Monday, 15 October 2012 )
Wednesday, 10 October 2012 |
The event over the weekend really got people out with their cameras! Here are more images that have been sent to us. Thanks to Jeff Wallace, Phil Fairon, Jules Malcolm, Daniel Boudreau, Ryan Ranido, Matt Melnyk, Paul Zizka, Bun Lee, Jay Lee, Corey Teeple and Aslinah. Don't forget to check out part 1 of this weekends photos!
Last Updated ( Friday, 12 October 2012 )
Tuesday, 09 October 2012 |
Wow!!! Spectacular aurora exploded into life this weekend as a Coronal Mass Ejection gave the Earth quite a buffeting! We have been sent lots of equally spectacular pictures from our subscriber! Thanks go to John Fraser, Zoltan Kenwell, Luis Durazo Ballesteros, Dave Conlin, Steve Boer Beth Allan, Susan Wilde, Matt Melnyk, Peter Stahl, Jonathon Menz, Geoffery McGill, Paul Zizka and Olivier Du Tré, David Barona, Karl Schreiner and Andrew Bell. As always, click to enlarge!
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 10 October 2012 )
Monday, 01 October 2012 |
 The aurora were giving quite a show last night, though things were made a little more difficult by the full moon and clouds that rolled in. Some people managed to capture some terrific photos though. Thanks go to Peter Stahl, Matt Melnyk, Juan Pablo González Guzmán, Charlotte Bragg, Olivier du Tré, Paul Howard, Gowri Varadhan, Peter Verboom, Susan Wilde, Shannon Carson, Chris Jones, Mickael Roy and Collin Orthner.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 04 October 2012 )
Tuesday, 25 September 2012 |
A submission from a little further afield than usual - Iceland. Doug Urquhart recently spent 2 weeks visiting Iceland and compiled this mesmerising time-lapse of his travels. He managed to capture some great dynamic auroral activity! His time-lapse can be seen here:
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 25 September 2012 )
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