Sat 15 Feb 2025 21:48 MST
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Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 9:00 PM MST Saturday 15 February 2025
Condition: Clear
Temperature: -28.2°C
Pressure: 103.9 kPa falling
Visibility: 32 km
Humidity: 81 %
Wind Chill: -36
Dewpoint: -30.4°C
Wind: SSW 8 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 4
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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Photos from last night (30 Sept) *Updated* Print E-mail
Monday, 01 October 2012

The aurora were giving quite a show last night, though things were made a little more difficult by the full moon and clouds that rolled in. Some people managed to capture some terrific photos though. Thanks go to Peter Stahl, Matt Melnyk, Juan Pablo González Guzmán, Charlotte Bragg, Olivier du Tré, Paul Howard, Gowri Varadhan, Peter Verboom, Susan Wilde, Shannon Carson, Chris Jones, Mickael Roy and Collin Orthner.



Peter Stahl managed to capture these great images North of St. Albert early in the evening. Click to enlarge!




Matt Melnyk took these stunning images in Elk Island National Park!!






Juan Pablo González Guzmán captured these great images in the Calgary area. The first was from a region close to downtown Calgary and the second from an area just outside Airdrie.




Charlotte Bragg took these great images from the Calgary area!





Olivier du Tré was in the right place at the right time and managed to capture some terriic images during last nights activity. More can be seen in his gallery:





Paul Howard captured these terrific photos from Red Deer last night!





Gowri Varadhan took these great pictures of the Aurora in the Calgary area! Even better since this represents a first attempt!!






Peter Verboom captured this great time lapse movie of the aurora he managed to see in Elk Island National Park, near Edmonton. For a high qualtity version see:



Susan Wilde took these brilliant pictures! See more of her images in her gallery at:




Shannon Carson sent up this great image she captured just west of Sylvan Lake! Click to enlarge.



Chris Jones sent us these stunning pictures he took at Og Lake in Mt. Assiniboine Provincial Park, BC.




Mickael Roy sent us a link to his gallery of fantastic images from the Sept. 30th event! You can see his album at:
Mickael Roy's Gallery



Collin Orthner took these fantastic images of the September 30th event, east of Red Deer. For those interested in his settings: Olympus E-M5, Samyang 7.5mm Fisheye, Olympus 12mm f/2.0, ISO ranged from 1250-2000, Shutter speed ranged from 6-10 seconds.


Last Updated ( Thursday, 04 October 2012 )
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