Sat 15 Feb 2025 22:16 MST
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Edmonton Weather

Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 10:00 PM MST Saturday 15 February 2025
Condition: Clear
Temperature: -31.8°C
Pressure: 103.9 kPa falling
Visibility: 32 km
Humidity: 75 %
Wind Chill: -40
Dewpoint: -34.8°C
Wind: SW 8 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 4
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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Stunning images from last week Print E-mail
Tuesday, 25 September 2012

We've been sent some more terrific auroral images from events last week! Thanks go to Jeff Wallace, Matt Melnyk, Siavash Nejadi and Paul Zizka.



Jeff Wallace captured these beautiful, but fleeting aurora, north of Legal, AB on 15th September around 2am.




Also out shooting on September 15th was Matt Melnyk. He shot these great images and a timelapse movie near Bon Accord between 23:30 and 00:30.

You can see his time lapse here:




Siavash Nejadi has sent us some grea images of the Aurora he captured over Edmonton on September 3rd.




Matt Melnyk captured these awesome images on September 22. According to Matt:

The first 2 are from 22,000 feet while flying from Prince George BC to Fort St John BC around midnight.

The next 4 ground images were taken on the ground near the Fort St John airport around 01:00 am.

And the last 5 aerial images were taken from 23,000 feet while flying back to Edmonton from Fort St. John between 01:30 and 02:30 am.

The very last image is about 100 miles west of Edmonton at 23,000 and the entire glow from the city can be seen in the right of the picture with aurora to the left.








Paul Zizka has shared this stunning image with us from Blue Lakes, BC taken on September 21.


Last Updated ( Tuesday, 25 September 2012 )
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