Apologies to Bill Trout for altering his original image for Valentine's Day! ;-)
As if to top off Valentine's Day we were treated to a great show of the Northern Lights last night! We've been sent some great pictures and movies of the event. Thanks to Bill Trout, Jeff Wallace, Matt Melnyk, Chris Ratzlaff, Olivier Du Tr�, Zoltan Kenwell (movies) and Rick Sobierajski.
Bill Trout sent us these great images he captured last night (click to enlarge):

Jeff Wallace took these great photos at around 1am west of St. Albert (click to enlarge):

Matt Melnyk sent us a link to his gallery where he captured some great shots between 10pm and 1am:
Matt's Gallery
Chris Ratzlaff sent us a link to his gallery showing the great photos he too north of Airdrie:
Chris' Gallery
Olivier Du Tr� captured these amazing images between Water Valley and Cremona last night. To see more of Olivier's images see his gallery at:
Olivier's Gallery

Zoltan Kenwell was out all night capturing nearly 2000 images and converting them into some stunning movies of the display!! Shot between 11:30 and 04:30 they can be seen in his gallery at:
Zoltans' Gallery
Rick Sobierajski sent us this great image he captured, capturing a graaceful arc structure! The picture was taken just north of Edmonton between 10:30 and 11pm (click to enlarge):