Mon 10 Feb 2025 10:36 MST
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Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 10:00 AM MST Monday 10 February 2025
Condition: Sunny
Temperature: -27.9°C
Pressure: 104.4 kPa falling
Visibility: 32 km
Humidity: 76 %
Wind Chill: -37
Dewpoint: -30.9°C
Wind: SSW 11 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 4
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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September images (updated) Print E-mail
Monday, 26 September 2016

Here are some tremendous pictures that were shared with us during September. Thanks go to Theresa Tanner, John Andersen, David Baxter, Ron Ng, Heather Wilson, Jay Davide, Max Ortiz Aguilar, David Moug, and Mike Gere.

Thanks to the following twitter users for sharing your tweets: Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan), Robin Steudel (@robinst), ChristyZ (@zachristy), Alan Dyer (@amazingskyguy), DeepSkyForum (@DeepSkyForum), Yuichi Takasaka (@ytakasaka), Justin Wondga (@jwondga), VagabondExpedition (@VagabondExped), Troy Hrehirchuk (@Tarsoniz), Kickbuttedmonton (@Kickbuttedm), William Vavrek (@williamvavrek), Hayley (@outofthebarrel), and Mel Skladan (@MelSkladan).



Mike Gere sent this terrific time-lapse taken on 28 Sep.
You can see more of Mike's pictures here:



David Moug sent these fantastic photographs taken on September 28/29 at Netley Provincial Park, MB.





Max Ortiz Aguilar sent this terrific photograph taken on September 28 at Lake Minnewanka, Banff.



David Baxter sent these great images taken on September 29 at Little Bow Provincial Park, AB.





D and T Tanner sent these great images taken on September 28/28 near Alix.






Jay Davide sent these great photos taken on September 27 at Fort McMurray.





Ron Ng sent these brilliant photos.




Theresa Tanner sent these great images taken on September 24 at the Bon Accord Dark Sky Festival!





Heather Wilson sent this atmospheric image taken on September 22.



David Baxter sent these brilliant photos taken on September 2, north of Calgary.





John Andersen sent these terrific pictures taken on September 19 near Irricana.





Theresa Tanner sent these brilliant photos taken on September 2 near Alix.





Theresa Tanner sent these fantastic shots taken on September 1 near Bashaw.






Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Robin Steudel (@robinst) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user ChristyZ (@zachristy) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Alan Dyer (@amazingskyguy) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user DeepSkyForum (@DeepSkyForum) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Yuichi Takasaka (@ytakasaka) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Alan Dyer (@amazingskyguy) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Justin Wondga (@jwondga) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Justin Wondga (@jwondga) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.

Twitter user VagabondExpedition (@VagabondExped) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Troy Hrehirchuk (@Tarsoniz) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Justin Wondga (@jwondga) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user VagabondExpedition (@VagabondExped) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Kickbuttedmonton (@Kickbuttedm) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user William Vavrek (@williamvavrek) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Yuichi Takasaka (@ytakasaka) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Hayley (@outofthebarrel) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Mel Skladan (@MelSkladan) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Kickbuttedmonton (@Kickbuttedm) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Last Updated ( Monday, 12 December 2016 )
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