Mon 10 Feb 2025 09:56 MST
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Edmonton Weather

Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 9:00 AM MST Monday 10 February 2025
Condition: Sunny
Temperature: -30.5°C
Pressure: 104.5 kPa falling
Visibility: 32 km
Humidity: 74 %
Wind Chill: -41
Dewpoint: -33.6°C
Wind: SSW 12 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 4
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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Images Shared in November Print E-mail
Thursday, 12 November 2015

We've been sent some fantastic images so far this month. Thanks go to Theresa Tanner, Charles Adam, Melissa Ackerman David Baxter, John Andersen, Johnny Stewart, and Derek Loewen.

Thanks to the following twitter users for sharing your tweets: Maria Margarita (@mikirris), Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan), Riyaz Sharan (@ryzshrn), straycouple (@straycouple), and Sheri (@prairiewinds77).



Derek Loewen sent these fantastic images taken on November 4, halfway between Grand Prarie and Grand Cache.





Johnny Stewart sent this terrific timelapse.



John Andersen sent these stunning pictures taken on November 3 at Forgetmenot pond in Kananaskis.






David Baxter sent these stunning photographs taken on November 3, 4 and 7 in the Calgary area.




Melissa Ackerman sent this fantastic photo taken on November 10th at Dillberry Lake, SK.



Charles Adam sent these awesome photographs taken on October 7, near Smith, AB.







Theresa Tanner sent these stunning images taken on November 6 from central Alberta.






Theresa Tanner sent these great pictures taken on November 3 around 01:30 near Ponoka.




Twitter user Maria Margarita (@mikirris) shared the following on 2015-11-01. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-11-04. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Riyaz Sharan (@ryzshrn) shared the following on 2015-11-04. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user straycouple (@straycouple) shared the following on 2015-11-06. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Sheri (@prairiewinds77) shared the following on 2015-11-07. Click the image for the original tweet.



Last Updated ( Monday, 16 November 2015 )
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