Tuesday, 10 May 2016 |
Wow what a start to May! Amazing images of the recent events! Be sure to check out the galleries from April and March too (I'm playing catch up, there's so many exceptional pictures).
Thanks go to Theresa Tanner, Derek Loewen, Evella Po, Jorge Gonzalez, Mark Jinks, David Baxter, Stacey Lemay, Warren Friesen, Larry McNish and James Parry.
Thanks to the following twitter users for sharing your tweets: Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan), Yuichi Takasaka (@ytakasaka), Hugo Crespo (@HugoCrespo2), Valerie J (@ValerieJoyHornr), Destination BC (@HelloBC), John Andersen (@JohnAndersen95), straycouple (@straycouple), Dat nguyen (@huudat802003) and gautam das (@babunbabu).
Last Updated ( Friday, 23 September 2016 )