Tue 14 Jan 2025 05:58 MST
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Edmonton Weather

Mainly Clear
Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 5:00 AM MST Tuesday 14 January 2025
Condition: Mainly Clear
Temperature: -5.0°C
Pressure: 102.3 kPa falling
Visibility: 32 km
Humidity: 70 %
Wind Chill: -10
Dewpoint: -9.7°C
Wind: SW 11 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 3
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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Official National Aeronautics and Space Administration Website

  • NASA HEAT Student Activity Featured in TIME?s Top 100 Photos of 2024
    On April 8, 2024, tens of millions experienced a solar eclipse from Mexico through the United States and into Canada. Astronomers, educators, and organizations had been preparing the public for this grand celestial event. Learning from engagement experiences in 2017, the NASA Heliophysics Education Activation Team (NASA HEAT) promoted an activity called ?Eclipse Essentials: Safe [?]

  • Earth in Far-Ultraviolet
    On April 21, 1972, NASA astronaut John W. Young, commander of the Apollo 16 mission, took a far-ultraviolet photo of Earth with an ultraviolet camera. Young?s original black-and-white picture was printed on Agfacontour professional film three times, with each exposure recording only one light level. The three light levels were then colored blue (dimmest), green […]

  • Former NASA Official, Astronaut Bob Cabana Receives Top Civilian Award
    Robert Cabana, who served as a NASA associate administrator, astronaut, and a colonel in the United States Marine Corps, received the President?s Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service, recognizing his exceptional achievements and public service to the nation. The award, signed by President Biden, is the highest honor the federal government can grant to a […]

  • NASA?s Hubble Tracks Down a ?Blue Lurker? Among Stars
    The name ?blue lurker? might sound like a villainous character from a superhero movie. But it is a rare class of star that NASA?s Hubble Space Telescope explored by looking deeply into the open star cluster M67, roughly 2,800 light-years away. Forensics with Hubble data show that the star has had a tumultuous life, mixing [?]

  • Webb Watches Carbon-Rich Dust Shells Form, Expand in Star System
    Astronomers have long tried to track down how elements like carbon, which is essential for life, become widely distributed across the universe. Now, NASA?s James Webb Space Telescope has examined one ongoing source of carbon-rich dust in our own Milky Way galaxy in greater detail: Wolf-Rayet 140, a system of two massive stars that follow [?]

  • Station Science Top News: Jan. 10, 2025
    Measurements from space support wildfire risk predictions Researchers demonstrated that data from the International Space Station?s ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) instrument played a significant role in the ability of machine learning algorithms to predict wildfire susceptibility. This result could help support development of effective strategies for predicting, preventing, monitoring, and […]

  • NASA Invites Media to Launch of Cosmic Origins, Solar Wind Missions
    Media accreditation is open for the launch of two NASA missions that will explore the mysteries of our universe and Sun. The agency is targeting late February to launch its SPHEREx (Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization and Ices Explorer) observatory, a space telescope that will create a 3D map of […]

  • Newly Selected Citizen Science Proposals: A Peek at What?s Next
    In 2024, NASA selected 25 new citizen science proposals for funding that will lead to new projects and new results to look forward to in 2025 and beyond. Here?s a roundup of those selections and the principal investigators (PIs) of each team?a sneak peek at what?s coming next in NASA citizen science! Note that these investigations are research grants?some of them will result in new opportunities for the public, others will use results from earlier citizen science projects or develop new tools.

  • NASA Small Business Funding Enables Aircraft Inspection by Drone
    A small business called Near Earth Autonomy developed a time-saving solution using drones for pre-flight checks of commercial airliners through a NASA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and a partnership with The Boeing Company. Before commercial airliners are deemed safe to fly before each trip, a pre-flight inspection must be completed. This process can […]

  • Hubble Reveals Surprising Spiral Shape of Galaxy Hosting Young Jet
    The night sky has always played a crucial role in navigation, from early ocean crossings to modern GPS. Besides stars, the United States Navy uses�quasars�as beacons. Quasars are distant galaxies with supermassive black holes, surrounded by brilliantly hot disks of swirling gas that can blast off jets of material. Following up on the�groundbreaking 2020 discovery�of [?]